Think, eat and look QUALITY

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Boat on Body of Water during Sunset

I empower Christian Women to RISE with STYLE

As professional image and life coach, I serve and empower Christian women around 40 all over the world to find their balance and beauty of spirit, mind and body. In order to do so, I have developed a DIY coaching program including the three keys: #thinkQuality, #eatQuality, #lookQuality

After three months of training they will be empowered to rise from the ashes of their broken dreams and hopes to a new level of confidence. They realize they have a message this generation needs to hear. They will not only have overcome common health problems, their energy has increased and they will actually feel beautiful inside and out.

I empower Christian Women to RISE with STYLE

Checking Pearl Necklace

Make each day count by putting your holistic beauty and health first.

Find your


applying the three


check it out
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Light head. Philosophy and psychology concept.


Reframe your Mindset!

We become what we think. Our words and actions are a result of our thoughts. Actions become habits. Habits mold our character. Our character becomes our destiny. Therefore, if you want anything to change in your life, it has to start with you, with the way you think.

Selection of Healthy Fat Sources


Health is a human right stolen from us by the food industry. It is also a result of lack of information about what is good for our bodies and what is not. The combination of processed foods and lack of fitness, stress and overweight are the perfect basis for many diseases, like cancer, diabetes. It also promotes heart diseases, brain damage and early aging. Discover the secret of the light and natural combinations

Successful Latino Businesswoman


Dress like success!...

or simply WOW!!

I am sure, you´ve heard that before, but did you know, that the way we dress, move, behave …is a reflection of our values, of our attitude?

Our self-worth, how valuable we feel, or not, plays a crucial role in how we behave, how we move AND how we dress

Reflection Of Finger In A Mirror

Live your VISION

Find your vision and live the life of your dreams.

Your vision becomes your mission.

Your Mmssion is your MESSAGE.

Serve people by living your vision!

Creativity is an expression of vision and enthusiasm

Keys to a balanced and beautiful life

How to think well for a better life

January, 2023

How to dress well for a better life

May, 2023

How to eat well for a better life

January 2023

How to create happiness for a better life

Jan. 2023


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Book a consultation


Call: +595 981 567 333


Business Hours

Monday to Friday

8:00 am to 6:00 pm

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